1. I understand the need to keep myself clean, wash hands thoroughly before starting work, after every break, after using the toilet, after handling food samples or waste products and after blowing my nose, or smoking. I will not smoke, eat or drink in by food being transported.
2. I will ensure product boxes are not opened during the journey to and from Pivotal Foods and will make Pivotal Foods aware if I suspect any product was tampered with.
3. If I become unwell with symptoms of diarrhoea, vomiting, or Covid symptoms, I will report this to the office as soon as possible and wait for further instructions. I will respect any isolation period requested by the company.
4. I will deliver products safely, carefully and according to the customer sites’ rules. I will ensure that the temperature of the van is recorded in each delivery note and whenever possible get customer’ signature. I will ensure the temperature of the van is within spec (as per the Driver's handbook) and will let the office know of any issues.
5. I will keep any personal medicines safe and away from food storage areas. If I need to take any medicine into the workplace, I will report it to my manager and store it securely.
6. I understand the importance in keeping allergens separated and if I have a spillage, I will follow the Clean-up Procedure (copy can be found in the van) or procedure at customer site. Any glass breakage will be cleaned and recorded in the form back in the office.
7. I will return the van clean and tidy after the run, removing any rubbish or debris prior to returning the vehicle.
8. I will make myself familiar with the Driver Handbook found in the van and will use in case of any issues during the route.
9. Finally, if I do see something wrong, I will report it to my contact at Pivotal Foods immediately.